Leadership Examples
Below are some real life examples of opportunities you may develop within the ‘Leadership Pillar’ of development.
Operating Department Practitioner
Tina works in theatres as a support worker with the Operating Department Practitioners, she acts as a peer supervisor for a colleague.
They meet once a month to discuss any difficulties, successes or problems and to reflect on their practice.

Emergency Care Assistant
Matthew is an emergency care assistant, who works at a large ambulance Trust alongside paramedics.
He spoke at a regional support worker conference about his career journey and then facilitated discussions/answered questions around this with the attendees.
Generic Therapy Assistant
Musa is a generic therapy assistant in a rehabilitation unit, he is the Health and Wellbeing Champion for the team.
As part of this his attends meetings organised by his Trust’s Health and Wellbeing team and communicates their initiatives to his clinical team in their monthly meetings