Clinical Examples
Below are some real life examples of opportunities you may develop within the ‘Clinical Pillar’ of development.
Community Dietetic Support Worker
David, a Community Dietetic support worker follows up patients who have a prescribed feeding regime from the Dietitian.
He has his own caseload of patients and will organise his diary independently to plan his home visits.

Diagnostic Radiography Support Worker
Sandeep, a diagnostic radiography support worker has attended cannulation training at his Trust and has completed his department’s competencies on this.
He now independently cannulates patients when they attend for scans involving contrast
Occupational Therapy support worker
Jess, an Occupational Therapy support worker regularly completes joint assessments with the Physiotherapist on the ward to assess patients prior to discharge.
She will then feed back to the Occupational Therapist and a plan for discharge will be made.