Your Report
Thank you for using our skills assessment site, hopefully you found it useful
Based on your result it looks like you may need to focus on...
- Clinical
- Education
- Leadership
- Research
Here are some ideas:
Ideas to improve your Clinical Practice Pillar
Ideas to improve your Education Pillar
Ideas to improve your Leadership Pillar
Ideas to improve your Research Pillar
However, we recommend a rounded approach to career development
Next Steps
Save a copy of this report to discuss with your line manager.
Contact the careers centre.
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Other useful resources
Your profile and next steps
Here is a radar chart of your answers.




Your Skills
Keep my details and contact me
This is a entirely anonymous assessment to help develop your career in the healthcare sector.
However, if you would like us to keep you details so that we may contact you in the future with useful information and guidance please supply your email below along with any message and your consent to store your data.
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